User Engagement
Consistent information about greenhouse gas sources and sinks is required at various scales. The modelling outputs produced by the G3W will, initially, provide global gridded fields at 1x1 degree spatial resolution, from multiple instances of the underlying data. This product can then lead into a downstream cascade of products and applications for additional information on attribution in space and by sector.
The data delivered by the G3W can directly be used in support of the global stocktake mandated under the Paris Agreement. National scale information will be critical to support national inventory reporting, as the national spatial scale can vary from continental to small regions of a few tens of kilometres. Sub-national information can be derived through the downscaling of the G3W outputs to support policies for states, provinces, and urban areas. Resolving emissions related to individual sectors such as agriculture or a specific industry is a critical need for decision makers at all scales, but particularly useful for sub-national actors. These may be limited to a single GHG or a single source, or there may be need to aggregate emissions from multiple gases or source locations to inform a specific industry’s overall emissions.
We separate the downstream users into two types: “end users” who will use the WMO G3W and the downstream cascade of added-value products for decision-making; and the “research users” who will use the outputs for production of added-value products and services.
The action items below put the way forward towards utilization of G3W outputs.

Action U1: Provide support to the global stocktake
The activities include establishing a connection to the UNFCCC, defining information content of G3W products, developing communication guidelines, organizing training/webinars, and establishing a collaboration and communication strategy. Success will be measured by formal recognition of G3W in the GST process, the number of G3W presentations, utilization of G3W output in IPCC assessments, and use as an independent reference in CoP inventory submissions.
Action U2: Develop guidance on regional products.
The activities include developing a portfolio of regional/continental scale products, defining appropriate temporal and spatial scales, recommending separation of anthropogenic/natural sources, and creating guidelines for regional use of G3W products. Success will be measured by the number of Parties using G3W outputs for GST, citations in official reports/assessments, and comparability with IPCC inventories or other estimations.
The activities include identifying common goals and outcomes between G3W and IG3IS, mapping user requirements, establishing two-way interactions, identifying common stakeholders, co-hosting events, and demonstrating successful cases. Success will be measured by joint demonstration projects, workshops, sessions, and the articulation of the relationship between G3W and IG3IS in the Terms of Reference of the G3W Advisory Group.
Action U4: Develop user interface guidelines.
The activities include developing user-tailored information service requirements, producing usage guidelines, recommending user interface features, and creating guidelines for utilizing global products in regional modeling. Success will be measured by defined and communicated service requirements, developed usage guidelines, and documented examples of G3W data enabling inventory evaluation.
The description of these blocks is based on the G3W implementation plan. This document, approved at the 78th WMO Executive Council, prevails.