G3W Implementation

The G3W Implementation Plan is structured around six key building blocks: Observing System, Modelling System, Prior Information, Data Management, Research and Development needs, and User Engagement and uptake. In addition to these, Capacity Building including training plays a vital role, supporting and enhancing all activities outlined in the technical sections. To explore each component of G3W in more detail, click the buttons below.

G3W IP: Timeline and Priority Deliverables

Approved by INFCOM-3 and EC-78, the G3W Implementation and Pre-Operational Phase (IPP, 2024-27) has officially commenced. G3W is a long-term, integrated global project with various building blocks, as outlined on the G3W Components page. 

Timeline and implementation plan for G3W observing systems from 2023 to 2050, describing stages, partnerships, and goals for managing Earth's climate.

To ensure a systematic approach to advancing G3W implementation, priority deliverables have been identified for the 2024-27 IPP period:

A flowchart displaying the WMO Integrated Global Observing System overview, outlining steps for inventory creation, data management, output definitions, research needs identification, and recommendations usage.

G3W would establish an internationally coordinated approach to network design, operation, and use of observations. It would expand and consolidate WMO’s long-standing activities in GHG monitoring, which have occurred under the auspices of the Global Atmosphere Watch and the Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System.